Package 1 – For Sale by Owner (FSBO) MLS®

- List your home on MLS®
- Forward prospective buyers
- Promote on
- Advertise on Internet websites
- Forward title of your property
- Free market evaluation
Flat Fee MLS® (FSBO)Listing in Lower Mainland
This FSBO package is all you need if you would like to sell your home the “For Sale By Owner” way, but want the massive exposure of MLS®and REALTOR®.ca. It’s simple! Just fill out the For Sale by Owner FSBO form and we will contact you to arrange a time to come and verify/measure up the property and list it on MLS® for you. Typically, it will take up to 3 days for your listing to show upon MLS® and REALTOR®.ca. As potential buyers contact us, we will forward your name and number to each enquiry and also inform you of that enquiry as per your direction. This could be done through a text message, phone call or email. Your choice. If a private buyer contacts you and you sell the property directly then you have only paid $1,499 plus GST. for the sale of your home.
Now for the real good news…When you use us to buy your next property we will give you 25% – 50% cashback on the buyer agent’s commission as explained on the buying page.
By syndicating your property to the largest platform available online, we provide maximum exposure for your home. Included in the OneFlatFee of $1,499 your property is showcased on:

Statistically, 90% of homes sold in Canada are sold through the MLS® system. The MLS® system gets about 150-200 million hits every day. So the question really is…Can you afford not to list on MLS® for a small flat fee?
- Add signage for a fee of $149
- Add the use of a Lock Box for $149
- Add professionally taken pictures and up to 4 virtual tours for $249 (Or you can provide us with pictures for no additional charge)
Please note: These charges are due before completion of service
As an introductory offer, your listing will be kept active for as long as you like or until your property sells.
Please note: Unlike other listing sites, with us, your listing will show up for REALTORS® to see on Paragon® (a program used by REALTORS® to access listings) and for the public to see on REALTOR®.ca. This is critical if you want to have REALTORS® show your property or else you are eliminating 75% of the buyers.
† If you wish to upgrade during the course of your listing, please contact the support staff at