604-725-1000 Value of properties sold as of Sep 12, 2024: $1.4 Billion +

Discount Realtor® Benefits

What are the benefits of using a discount Realtor®?

The benefits of using a discount Realtor® are numerous for both home sellers and home buyers. Using a discount realtor® allows consumers to choose exactly the services they need, including MLS® listings for only $1499 and full-service real estate services for $3499.99 using One Flat Fee. Additionally, One Flat Fee offers discount Realtor® perks like cash back home buying, providing home buyers with cash back on their purchase. It’s like buying a home and getting a bonus for the purchase!

Discount Realtors® have recently surged ahead in the real estate industry due to clarifications within the industry that have given way to amendments that provide consumers the choice to pick and choose the level of service they require from their Realtor®, without having to accept all services including the traditional high commissions associated with traditional Realtors®.

One Flat Fee not only provides a flat-fee listing service allowing home sellers to list their home or property on MLS®, but unlike other flat fee MLS® listing sites, One Flat Fee also ensures the MLS® listings will show up for Realtors® to see on MLXchange®, as well as for the public to see on – a critical step to showcasing your property for up to 75% more potential buyers.

What are the benefits of selling a home using a discount Realtor®?

  • Choose services a la carte, picking only the discount Realtor® services you require
  • Pay one flat fee to your discount Realtor® for the package that best matches the services you need
  • List on MLS®, MLXchange®, and
  • Forego paying high commissions through a traditional Realtor®; Discount realtors® do not charge high commissions – sellers pay a flat fee
  • Receive personalized real estate advice and service

What are the benefits of buying a home using a discount Realtor®?

  • Receive up to 50% of the commission with cash back for buyers
  • Benefit from discount realtor® assistance and representation
  • Choose from finding your own home or being presented with homes by your discount Realtor®, allowing you to conduct your property or home search with the right amount of effort you’d like to extend

In addition to MLS®, MLXchange®, and, One Flat Fee also advertises home sellers’ properties and homes online through a variety of sources, including, craigslist, Kijiji, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and various other lower mainland real estate blogs.

With the proliferation of discount Realtors®, there is absolutely no reason to pay high commissions for full-service real estate services through a traditional Realtor®. Discount Realtors® have the ability to sell your home or property using a full service model with a flat fee price, ensuring that the home seller can work within a budget and better plan the sale of their home, but with more control over which services the discount Realtor® is offering. This also enables buyers to choose the exactly which services they require in their search for their dream home.