604-725-1000 Value of properties sold as of Sep 13, 2024: $1.4 Billion +

5 Steps to Selling by Owner

People turn to sales by owner because they want to sell on their own terms and pocket more of the profits of the sale. It’s not surprising that many real estate agents stress the difficulty of selling a house on your own. While it’s true that it takes a little work to get a property ready to sell, you can break it down into 5 steps that will guide you from start to finish.

1. Decide How Much Time You Have to Devote to Selling

Selling your home can be a time consuming process. You have to figure out how much time you’re willing to devote to it. Mobile phones and email have made it a much easier task, but you still have to set aside time to read and answer dozens of emails about your home. With an hour in the morning and a few hours at night you can be sure that you’re taking the steps you have to in order to sell your home painlessly

2. Select Some a La Carte Realtor Options

Once you have a selling plan, head to a realtor: but not any realtor. Flat fee MSL (multi service listing) agents are the way to go. There you can choose which options you want to pay for. Getting your home on the MSLs for your area are a must, but you can also choose from a variety of al la carte realtor plans that could help you sell your home quickly. If you don’t need a service, you don’t have to pay for it: it’s as easy as that.

3. Assemble Your Paperwork

What paperwork you need before you sell depends on your area, but no matter where you live it’s going to be a bundle. In BC you’re going to have inspection papers and the deed to be able to sell, but things like appraisers reports will be very helpful. You’re also going to have to have the documentation that you need to proceed with a sale. Make sure that you understand everything in the paperwork before you proceed to step 4.

4. Get the Word out Online

Most of a realtor’s job in years gone by can now be done at home, by you, with the click of a button. Set up accounts at a few sites and list your home for sale online. Real estate sites, social media, and more are all good options for getting the word out. Make sure to include your contact information, pictures of the house, and important details. Don’t forget to mention that hot tub on the roof or brand new appliances that you put in only last year.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Haggle

Part of a realtor’s job is to get the most cash for your property possible. You’re going to have to take that job over for yourself now. Remember that, even in a buyer’s market, you don’t have to sell for less than you want. You should have an agreed upon lowest price in mind, and set your sale price above that so that you have the means to haggle. If you have an interested buyer, see what you can get for your property. If you don’t have a natural salesman personality, enlist the help of your spouse or a family member who does.

After you reach an acceptable price, fill out that gathered paperwork and you’ve done it. You’ve sold your house without bringing a full realtor on board.